
The conservative ascendancy coursenotes
The conservative ascendancy coursenotes

the conservative ascendancy coursenotes

This is probably a good combination for taking on powerful multinational corporations like Google, Uber, Facebook and Apple.

the conservative ascendancy coursenotes

This opposition draws in a Mercury-Saturn square, which certainly seems to indicate poor communication, possible corruption and opaque dealings. The astonishing thing about this chart is the conjunction of a strong Mars with Pluto in Scorpio opposing a strong Moon in Taurus, all at 24 degrees, making a fearsomely powerful trading block.


The square to Venus in Libra from these two planets shows the idealism and cultural hopes, and Uranus-Neptune in the 6th house indicates the free movement of labor – and the integration of refugees as a new labor force, with all the societal changes this brings. This horoscope is characterized by the rare conjunction of Uranus and Neptune, which has a 172-year cycle, reflecting the aspirations of a merging of nations into a new international union. The people could bear no more – all they wanted was the weight to be lifted from their shoulders.ĮU – The Single European Act. Piling on the pressure, Saturn also opposed the Moon, in March and June 2019 and finally on the day of the December election. During the years of 20, Pluto had opposed the Moon in Cancer, and the people of Britain moaned and groaned about the trauma of being cast adrift from Europe. The pain of the UK is evident from the 1801 unification chart, which united Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England as one political whole. General election charts alone, it would seem, cannot be trusted to give accurate results - they just show the mood of the country. Perhaps Corbyn was well-represented by Mars in Scorpio sextile Saturn trine Neptune - a "socialist" signature. Perhaps this indication simply showed Johnson's psychological state - his government had been in crisis since he took power: Venus conjoining Saturn/Pluto. Meanwhile, with Mars in its own sign Scorpio ruling the IC (10th house from 7th) and applying to a dignified Saturn in Capricorn, it looked great for Labour’s Corbyn. that day, and applying traditional methods, things did indeed look bad for the Conservatives, not least because Venus was right in-between Saturn and Pluto (besieged), and as MC ruler represented the Conservative leader Boris Johnson. Looking at the charts available, especially the election chart for 7 a.m. Prior to the election, the excellent London astrologer Julian Venables analyzed the astrological trends for election day, December 12th, 2019, and believed it augured very badly for the Conservative Party. Boris Johnson won an absolute majority - and Brexit will be done. Labour, with the unappetizing Jeremy Corbyn as leader, experienced its worst defeat since 1935. But with the slogan "Get Brexit Done", the Conservative Party tapped into public exhaustion and won a resounding victory. People dreamed of a second referendum, people feared a renewal of troubles in Ireland, where a hard border was not acceptable, people railed at the lies and misinformation that resulted in a Yes vote to Brexit. On my many visits to the UK over the last three years, there was one constant topic on every news channel every day - Brexit.

The conservative ascendancy coursenotes